Greater Copenhagen and Skåne Commitee

Greater Copenhagen & Skåne Commitee becomes the name of the renewed Öresund co-operation, which begins when the Öresund Committee and Greater Copenhagen merge on January 1, 2016.

The Öresund Bridge has been around for 15 years, and the Öresund Committee for 22 years. During that time, integration has been significantly strengthened in the Öresund region. More and more commutes to jobs on the other side of Öresund. To some extent, the Öresund integration has become “business as usual”.

Political Öresund cooperation has also been established and reached a high degree of ripeness. The Öresund Committee is considered to be Europe’s most established border regional political cooperation body. Both in Zealand and in Skåne, it is therefore considered that it is time to further develop the Öresund cooperation, in a broader cooperation where regions and municipalities collaborate more closely together to reach a long time. The Danish initiative “Focused Awakening Day” and the new Greater Copenhagen cooperation in Zealand has also given rise to a discussion about deepening cooperation on job creation and growth across the Sound.

Decision and schedule

On 19 October, the Öresund Committee’s Executive Committee / Executive Committee has decided on the proposal that the Öresund Committee and Danish Greater Copenhagen Cooperation merge, by revising the Constitution’s Constitution, and the renewed cooperation will be named Greater Copenhagen & Skåne Committee. It is the members, as the highest decision-making body, which makes decisions on the change of state, and therefore the proposal for the Öresund Committee’s meeting is presented on 4 November. Decisions on the change of state are taken at two consecutive meetings, and by qualified majority, that is three quarters of the members, and therefore needs to be decided at an extraordinary meeting on 2 December. Greater Copenhagen & Skåne Committee is scheduled to enter into force on 1 January 2016.

Committee work areas

The Greater Copenhagen & Skåne Commitee, in accordance with the proposed new statutes, has the main purpose of increasing sustainable growth and employment in the region. The committee’s duties include:

  • Support the joint marketing of “Greater Copenhagen”
  • Work for a strong international infrastructure
  • Help attract investors, tourists, businesses and talents
  • Work for an integrated and sustainable growth region, inter alia by supporting labor market integration and attempting to influence the legislation and the barriers to barriers deemed to be barriers to growth
  • Create common strategic business ventures